Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday's Musings

A few random musings about who knows what…

(1) I am seriously addicted to Tiny Death Star right now. I have had a smartphone for a long time now, and I have fought to keep games off my phone. Until now. I find myself seriously babysitting the building of the Death Star, and it is such a time suck. It taunts me. Seriously. It calls to my OCD-side that I need to keep the Death Star going. It needs to keep building. For what purpose? What would happen if I literally ignored it for days? Would the world end? I think not. Yet, here I am, as I write this blog, babysitting this dumb game.

(2) My husband, son, and I went and saw the Lego Movie. Let me first say, that I thought this was one of the best "kid's" movies I have seen in a while. It is witty and well-written. But that isn't the point of this musing. The point of #2 here is I love to watch movies and shows with my kid. He and I have a similar sense of humor, and he gets the dry humor. There is nothing better than to hear him laugh at the best jokes, and it makes me think that I have done something a little right with him. It drives me nuts when people have no sense of humor, or the humor they appreciate is the low-brow kind (not that he doesn't like poop, fart, and butt jokes). But he gets the high brow stuff too, and it makes me feel a bit successful as his mom and teacher.

(3) There is something about the Olympics. I have always loved both the Summer and Winter Olympics, ever since I can remember. A year ago, I used to ask an attendance question: Favorite Olympic Event? I found that most of my students do not watch nor ever have watched the Olympics. I was dumbfounded. This is the ultimate competition, as it exists on the world stage. It compares to the World Cup in soccer. It unites our world, and I think it is important. Here are my favorite Olympic events:

  • Swimming (obviously!)
  • Gymnastics
  • Figure Skating
  • Snowboarding (all the events)
  • Super G (CRAZY!)
But I pretty much like it all, and I am a HUGE USA supporter too. I'm not going to apologize for that.

(4) I am incredibly excited about the blogging in class. There have been some GREAT blog posts, and I think people are figuring it doesn't have to be too painful. I love the way it connects us as a class…

That's it for now, I think!

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