Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yikes! I'm Swamped!

As I am reading student blogs, I realized it has been some time since I have posted a blog post.

I have to be honest. It has everything to do with the fact that I am swamped. I wonder if students realize that teachers are as busy as they are. Given that I teach writing, I am perpetually behind at reading writing. I have had "funny" students tell me I could stop assigning it. While that would be lovely, and I could find a way to "test" students through scantrons, it wouldn't help my students' writing get stronger. Thus, I am continually reading and running behind on writing...

And to be honest, I hate being behind. My favorite days in class are the days when essays and all ancillary work has been graded and handed back. Those days seem only to exist at the beginning of the semester and at the end.

For my students who are reading this, I care. Trust me, I care that you care about your grades. Just bear with me, as I slowly work through all of your writing.


1 comment:

  1. A lot of people don't really know the extra work that teachers do after class. There's still grading and preparing for the next class meeting. And perhaps much more. My cousin has been teaching part-time at a middle school/high school in Costa Mesa and hardly has any time for himself. He gets home and goes straight to his room to work on lesson plans and read and grade papers and assignments. He works his butt off! Thankfully, he is getting his teaching credential this summer. Some of your students do understand that it is a lot of work that you have to work on, prepare, and grade! No worries and Thank you for what you are and have been doing for your students :)
